Simon de la Rouviere - Medium

What is Harberger Tax & Where Does The Blockchain Fit In?


Harberger Tax is an economic policy that aims to strike a balance between pure private ownership & total commons ownership in order to increase general welfare of society. It helps ensure that property is more productively utilised by the society, resulting in an increase of overall economic productivity and general welfare of society. It keeps the power of the market, whilst reducing the inefficiencies in how property is currently allocated. At a relative cost to efficiency in investment returns, it reduces the prevalence of monopolies that exclude society from an asset’s wealth generating capabilities.


It’s recently gained popularity due to the book, Radical Markets, from Glen Weyl & Eric Posner alongside the paper, describing it in depth: Property Is Only Another Name for Monopoly.

最近,随着 Glen Weyl 和 Eric Posner 的《激进市场》一书及论文的深刻描述,“财产只是垄断的另一种名称”这一理论变得很受欢迎。

It works by introducing two concepts to how property ownership works:
